Intermediate Marine Science Camp Program
Program Dates: June 22-July 4 and August 3-15, 2025 (FULL; TAKING WAITLIST REGISTRATIONS)
Typical Student Age Group: Ages 12-15
Program Location: Seal Harbor, Maine
Program Costs: $3,200 for a two-week session
About This Program
The Intermediate sessions are designed for students age 12-14 who are in upper elementary school/middle school. These two-week courses present a solid natural history approach to oceanography and introduce students to basic marine concepts and laboratory procedures. Many students who attend an Intermediate session will return another year for an Advanced session once they have completed at least one year of high school.
What to Expect
Program Schedule
Upon arrival between noon and 4 pm on Sunday, students will begin setting up their own saltwater tank and exploring the many marine environments available on Mt. Desert Island. Working in small groups, students will study the chemical, physical and biological aspects of oceanography during trips to the beach, tidal pools, saltmarsh, and bog. In addition, water sampling, whale watching and fishing boat trips round out the morning and afternoon activities. Departure is the last Friday morning with a family cookout offered starting at 11:30 am for those being picked up. See a sample Intermediate Program Schedule.
Example of an Intermediate Program Lesson
See a sample Intermediate Program Lesson.