Advanced Marine Science Camp Program
Program Dates: July 6-18 and July 20-August 1, 2025 (BOTH FULL; REGISTER FOR WAITLIST)
Typical Student Age Group: Ages 15-19
Prerequisites: 1 year of high school and high school science (with lab component is preferred)
Program Location: Seal Harbor, Maine
Program Costs: AIO base tuition is $3,200 for Advanced: $3,300 for Advanced for College Credit
(the additional cost of 4 credits is $596 in 2025 and billed directly from UMaine)
About This Program
The Advanced Sessions are pre-college courses offered to students age 15-19 who have completed at least one year of high school and one year of high school science, preferably biology or chemistry (though these are not required). These two-week sessions are of a more analytical nature, and students are expected to prepare laboratory reports and analysis of their field work.
We offer students the chance to explore their collegiate options during the advanced sessions with college tours and discussions about internships for high school and college age students. Several AIO students have been accepted at research facilities across the country and many have gone on to do their own scientific work in marine science.
The caliber of our students is so well respected that College of the Atlantic, in Bar Harbor, Maine, offers $10,000/year scholarships to any AIO student (up to $40,000 for the 4 years) who is accepted into their program with a recommendation from one of our Directors.
About College Credit
Since 2012, AIO has offered students who attend the Advanced Program sessions the opportunity to receive college credit for the program through the University of Maine’s regional campus at Machias. Students who are applying to receive College credit for the Advanced Program will incur additional fees over and above the AIO base tuition cost. The cost of the credits from UMM’s Early College Program in 2024 is $580 for 4 credits. The cost for the 2025 will be available in the spring. Parents will pay the tuition at the UMaine website after they have created an account with a email address you’ll receive from them. This is a graded course which allows the credits be transferrable to any university or college that accepts outside credits. During the session, students will participate in the same activities as those not taking it for credit but will be responsible for some additional quizzes, labs, a lab practical and final exam. The tuition for the non-college credit 2024 Advanced Program is $3,200. Please review our College Credit page for more information on this program or our Tuition and Fees page for complete tuition details.
What to Expect
Program Schedule
Upon arrival between noon and 4 pm on Sunday, students will begin setting up their own saltwater tank and exploring the many marine environments available on Mt. Desert Island. Working in small groups, students will study the chemical, physical and biological aspects of oceanography during trips to the beach, tidal pools, saltmarsh, and bog. In addition, water sampling, whale watching and fishing boat trips round out the morning and afternoon activities. Departure is the last Friday morning with a family cookout offered starting at 11:30 am for those being picked up. See a sample Advanced Program Schedule.
Example of an Advanced Program Lesson
See a sample Advanced Program Lesson.